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너무 긴 한글문장을 올리시면 회원님들이 잔뜩 겁(?)을 먹을 수 있겠죠 ^^. 300byte 이내의 길이로 올려보세요.

번호 작성자   답변 등록일 조회 답변달기
329 kyk1108   6 2015-10-28 510 답변하기
  • rornfl01

    as I mentioned earlier...

    2015-10-29 10:07:11

  • sean4u

    As I mentioned before
    As I said before

    2015-10-29 13:45:21

  • jibset

    As we said
    As I informed

    2015-11-03 00:19:57

  • wheejin2003

    As we said

    2015-11-18 21:40:47

  • mippya

    Before I mentioned...

    2015-11-23 23:33:18

  • 0413sun

    As I mentioned before,

    2021-04-02 14:33:23

328 sara8579   3 2015-10-28 454 답변하기
  • hanna0109

    The parts are broken away from the satellites and astronauts may encounter aboard the sapceship. Then, a major accident may occur.

    2015-10-28 13:34:56

  • jibset

    Breakaway parts from a satellite have possibility to heat a spaceship astronauts get on, and it may cause a big accident.

    2015-11-03 00:27:53

  • wheejin2003

    Breakaway parts from a satellite have possibility to heat a sps\aceshp

    2015-11-09 21:24:05

327 wonmh   2 2015-10-23 483 답변하기
  • revinsil

    In my experience, most of the second hand for sale are good and safe condition.

    2015-10-23 18:04:41

  • freekid0314

    Most of used products are good and fine based on my experiences.

    2017-09-08 09:47:17

326 llkkss77   6 2015-10-23 529 답변하기
  • justin031001

    I'm usually busy and tired because I should care for my children during weekend.

    2015-10-23 15:35:30

  • jibset

    On weekend, I am busy and tired to take care of children.

    2015-11-03 00:29:47

  • wheejin2003

    on weekend, I am busy and tired to take care of children.

    2015-11-25 22:30:25

  • leo0714

    Be busy and tired because i have to take children at weekend.

    2016-10-13 17:14:58

  • freekid0314

    I'm very tired on weekends because I should take care of my children.

    2017-09-13 14:10:13

  • mjh1224

    During weekends, I'm getting tired easily because I need to take care of my children.

    2021-03-12 23:35:28

325 ceoshim   2 2015-10-23 432 답변하기
  • justin031001

    I wnat to get some advice on studying Englsih from my teacher.

    1. what's the weak part of my English regarding writing, listening or speaking.

    2. Could you tell me my English level? What grade I could be in the U.S. elementary school grade?

    2015-10-23 15:31:29

  • wheejin2003

    I want to get some advice on studying English from my teacher.

    2015-11-06 21:16:56

324 kkm8279   1 2015-10-21 412 답변하기
  • prion514

    I'd like you to ship out the following orders with the car number 1. They're marked 'K' on the document # 1 and # 2 as you can see the attached file. Is it possible that the all of items are ready by November 6? They have to be ready by November 6 according to the shipment's schedule.

    2015-10-22 14:49:29

323 kkm8279   1 2015-10-20 444 답변하기
  • tae1231

    Can I order 3 likewise ready at the end of October? If possible, we will deliver to our forwarders. In the specification it is labeled with the SET description. So I ordered one course I was not the only one to SET apiece. Please check specification description of what is wrong mark.

    2015-10-20 18:15:51

322 eogh7387   1 2015-10-19 385 답변하기
  • prideboy

    went to go climbing with my friends to the Nejang Mt. where is two hours away from my place. I felt so good when I arrived on the top of the mountian although it was hard but I didn't give up. The mountian is so beautiful with the colours of autumn. It was great time having a dilicious foods and taking pictures with them.

    2015-10-20 13:34:01

321 eogh7387   1 2015-10-19 389 답변하기
  • prideboy

    I went to go climbing with my friends to the Nejang Mt. where is two hours away from my place. I felt so good when I arrived on the top of the mountian although it was hard but I didn't give up. The mountian is so beautiful with the colours of autumn. It was great time having a dilicious foods and taking pictures with them.

    2015-10-20 13:33:16

320 kkiri1219   2 2015-10-17 497 답변하기
  • landjin

    the baby who is four months old have little influence on an eardrum by altitude diffence in case that he is on a plane.

    2015-10-19 15:25:39

  • kjy880103

    the baby who is four months old have little influence on an eardrum by altitude diffence in case that he is on a plane.

    2017-03-08 12:29:43

319 wonmh   3 2015-10-16 411 답변하기
  • tyros14

    There is no interest for a wide range for people to choose something.
    확실하지 않아서 지송요~

    2015-10-16 18:28:10

  • wheejin2003

    There is no interest for a wide range for people to choose something.....

    2015-11-06 21:19:15

  • mjh1224

    There are no options that I can choose among huge ranges there.

    2021-03-12 23:36:51

318 kkm8279   2 2015-10-15 404 답변하기
  • wow3113

    Did you hear anything about car price from Mr. Kim?
    Cause he told us he would check it again for us.
    The products (or equipment) Which we ordered from Nethelands and China is in the port.
    We neet the Modified invoice and packing list for customs procedure.

    2015-10-15 18:44:01

  • jibset

    마지막 문장만

    Please check this situation urgently.

    2015-11-03 00:45:24

317 magl61   1 2015-10-15 402 답변하기
  • yongnews

    In my middle school, I felt that my math class was the most difficult time for me study especially sloving math problems and answering it to my math teahcer and my classmates. I could solve matters easily but I was so an introvert student that I couldn't say anything but the math teacher said that he(she) would start this class after I told her anything. Finally 20 minutes later I could answer her.

    2015-10-15 10:49:12

316 magl61   1 2015-10-14 387 답변하기
  • sohee530

    I feel happay when I do my duties following my plans. Planning ahead and following the plans it makes me feel effective and productive. though I did my best, the results are poor at this time I was frustrated(disappointed).

    2015-10-16 11:18:04

315 csy3055   2 2015-10-14 444 답변하기
Mattie J.T. Stepanek는 전세계 사람들의 마음에 영웅으로 남아 있는 미국소년입니다. 그는 자신이 너무 약해서 무엇인가를 할 수 없다고 결코 생각하지 않았습니다. Stepanek는 목표를 달성하기 위해 근육퇴행위축의 희귀한 유형인 자신의 유전병과 계속 싸웠습니다. 그러나, 사람의 근육을 계속해서 약화시키는 그 병은 마침내 그의 14번째 생일 바로 전 2004년에 그의 목숨을 앗아갔습니다. 그의 죽음 이전에, Stepanek는 의료 장비를 갖춘 전동 휠체어를 사용했습니다. 그러나 그것이 그가 온전한 삶을 사는 것을 막지 못했습니다. 그는 시인과 평화 조정자로서의 재능을 보여주기 위해 2001년 5월 오프라 윈프리 쇼에 출연했습니다. 그는 윈프리에게 크리스마스 선물로 자신을 위해 기도해달라고 부탁했습니다. 이 놀라운 소년은 2001년 12월 굿모닝 아메리카 TV 프로그램에서 자신의 영웅인 지미 카터 전 미국 대통령을 만났습니다. 그는 12월의 기도를 암송했고 지미 카터 전 미국 대통령은 그를 칭찬했습니다. Stepanek는 2001년에 Hertsongs라는 첫 시집도 발간했습니다. 그의 첫 번째 책은 뉴욕타임즈 베스트 셀러 목록 1위에 올랐습니다. 그의 다른 7권의 책들은 총 100만권 이상 팔렸습니다. 그가 죽은 후 2005년에, Mattie J.T. Stepanek 재단이 설립되었습니다. 많은 사람들과 Oprah Winfrey Angel 재단을 포함한 단체들이 그 단체를 지원하고 있습니다. 더 최근에는, 그의 이름을 딴 공원이 2008년에 개장했습니다.
  • csy3055

    Mattie J.T. Stepanek is an American boy, who has remained a hero in hearts of people around the world. He never thought that he was too weak to do something. Stepanek kept fighting against his genetic disease, a rare form of muscular dystrophy, to achieve his goals. However, the disease, which progressively weakens a person's muscles, finally claimed his life in 2004 just before his 14th birthday.
    Prior to his death, Stepanek used an electric wheelchair with medical equipment. But it did not stop him from living a full life. He appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in May 2001, to showcase his talents as a poet and peacemaker. He asked Winfrey to pray for him as a Christmas gift.

    2015-10-14 20:49:16

  • csy3055

    This remarkable boy met his hero, former-U.S. president Jimmy Carter, on the Good Morning America TV show in December 2001. He recited December Prayer, and Carter praised him.
    Stepanek published his first book of poetry, Heartsongs, also in 2001. His first book ranked No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list. His other seven books sold more than one million copies in total.
    The Mattie J.T. Stepanek Foundation was established in 2005 after he died. Many individuals and organizations, including The Oprah Winfrey Angel Foundation, have supported the organization. More recently, a park in his name opened in 2008.

    2015-10-14 20:49:34

314 csy3055   1 2015-10-13 412 답변하기
  • csy3055

    Researchers at Stanford University in California have succeeded in producing safe, natural painkillers by genetically modifying yeast. They inserted different DNA, including those from plants and bacteria, into yeast cells, making the yeast turn the glucose into a pain-relief substance.
    Traditionally, pain-relief substances are extracted from plants, such as poppies. The entire production process takes about a year, and is costly because it involves growing and shipping poppies and extracting opioids, each of which is done at different places. However, with this new method, producing large quantities is possible for pharmaceutical companies.
    Making Painkillers from Baker's Yeast2According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 70 percent of the world population has limited or no access to painkillers. The Stanford researchers are expecting that their discovery will contribute to providing faster access of more affordable painkillers to people around the globe.

    2015-10-13 20:58:38

313 kkm8279   1 2015-10-11 426 답변하기
  • jibset

    After placing an order, i would like to know the lead time and the following car price, because we do not know yet when does customer will order.

    We would like to receive each invoice by Air and by Sea freight we requested as the chart below, because i have an overall invoice.

    Please kindly review and send it back in attached.

    2015-10-11 22:11:54

312 mycho304   1 2015-10-10 401 답변하기
  • 수중제방 is called 수중성 because it plays a role as a castle which is built up of stones.

    2015-10-12 15:26:50

311 eogh7387   5 2015-10-07 392 답변하기
  • hejin21c

    I think time goes so fastly.
    Recently, It was warm and hot but now It's cold in the morning and night.

    2015-10-08 10:57:07

  • jinny325

    I feel like time goes so fast these days.
    Few days ago, the weather was hot, but now, it's cold in the morning and night time.

    2015-10-08 15:54:39

  • jibset

    Nowdays, it seems that time goes so fast.
    Although i felt warm a few days ago, it's cold at the moment.

    2015-10-12 23:30:42

  • freekid0314

    Time flies so fast. it was hot but now, it gets cold in the morning and at night.

    2017-09-05 10:48:57

  • mjh1224

    Time flies like an arrow. It was hot a few days ago. However, it's cold in the morning and afternoon.

    2021-03-24 04:55:45

310 eogh7387   3 2015-10-07 392 답변하기
  • star5901

    As time passes by quickly passing by.

    2015-10-08 10:15:35

  • star5901

    Until recentrly, it was hot but cold in mornings and evenings now.

    2015-10-08 10:19:11

  • ockdol

    I think time is passing really fast. It was hot a second ago but it's cold in morning and afternoons

    2016-02-11 20:56:52