"Well Begun Is Half Done"
Sarah: Hey, Jack. Have you finished your paper?
Jack: It started off well, but it is really hard to finish.
Sarah: Well begun is half done.
Jack: What is that supposed to mean?
Sarah: It means that it's easy to start things, but harder to finish them.
Jack: Yes, I agree... It's so hard to finish!
Sarah: Yep, but I'm sure you can do it! Just don't give up and keep trying!
Jack: Thanks, I will keep going then.
Sarah: I will help you if you need any help.
Jack: Thanks, Sarah. You're a great friend.
“시작이 반이다”
Sarah: 어이, 잭. 너 리포트 끝냈니?
Jack: 시작은 잘 했는데 끝내기가 어렵네.
Sarah: 시작이 반이야.
Jack: 그게 무슨 의미야?
Sarah: 어떤 일을 시작하기는 쉽지만, 끝내기는 어렵다는 뜻이야.
Jack: 그래, 맞아… 완성하기가 정말 어려워!
Sarah: 그래, 하지만 넌 할 수 있어! 포기하지 말고 계속 해봐!
Jack: 고마워, 계속 노력해 볼게.
Sarah: 도움이 필요하면 도울게.
Jack: 고마워, 세라. 넌 좋은 친구야.
<Teentimes 제공>