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이티폰을 체험하면서 느낀 점, 선생님 자랑, 칭찬부터 아쉬웠던 점,
이티폰을 접하게된 계기, 영어실력향상 노하우, 추천할 강의 코스 등에 대해 적어 보세요.

수강후기 상세내용을 나타낸 표입니다.
작성자 주니어 Level 3 angeljeon7 등록일 2009-07-21
구분 우수후기 조회 9,182

I'm so bored because of my daily life.
My daily routine is so simple and repetitive.
When I wake up, I have breakfast and go to the high school.     
Beginning at 720 I have my lessons 
than at 12'o clock I have lunch.
After that, I start to study again until dinner time, than I go home.
And at 12:00 I go back to my home.
It is so tiresome and  I feel irritated sometimes.
I feel free during Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Because of ET-phone!!!!
For someone who is so used to studying grammar, reading and writing,
it is like an oasis.
Although it is not long time for me to start,
I feel my lessons are very delightful and helpful.
Since I started having lessons in ET-phone , I've really been looking forward to it.

사진 첨부하려고 하다보니까 전에 썼던 글이 지워져서 다시 올려요..ㅠㅠ에구
전체 댓글 1
  • etphone

    ^^ 10000포인트 쏴드려써요~ 어제 사진없는 후기로 올리셨었는데 사진첨부 하셨네요~ WOW~ 미인이시네요~^^* ^_________________^*좋은 성과 거두길 바랄게요~ 언제나 즐겁고 유쾌하게~ 화이팅

    2009-07-21 09:09:17